Friday, January 16, 2009

Girls In Pants, The Third Summer of the Sisterhood

I just finished reading this book the other day! It was so good! Since I liked it so much, I decided to do a review on it!

Anne's "Girls in Pants" is another amazing edition to her Sisterhood series. In the book, Lena has to figure out what she really wants to do, follow her Fathers wishes and not go to her dream, art school, or go against his wishes and find a way to go to art school anyways? Tibby seems to have plenty of hospital accourances in this book. Her 3 year old sister falls out of the window in Tibby's bedroom and so Tibby feels terribly guilty. Then, when Carmen's mom is in the hospital for something pretty serious, Tibby is there to help her through it. Carmen finds true love this summer of the sisterhood, and learns some valuable lessons!

I really enjoyed this book, I hope you will to!

Oh, I should post one of my favorite quotes in the story:

"There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up"

-Oscar Wilde

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