Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Guest Post! Higher Hope


Guest Review from Knits, Reads, and Reviews!


Robert Whitlow's second book in the series is one that you can read and easily follow without having read the first book of the series. One may not think you can easily find humor in a religious based book, but Robert Whitlow succeeds in doing just that, this book is not in any way humorous, but yet leads one to chuckle from time to time. Tami Taylor has strong religious beliefs and does not let living in a big city keep her from following her beliefs. To some, Tami's strengths may be seen as weakness, but in the case of Ramona Dabney vs. Jason Paulding Tami is seen as one who can shed light on the beliefs of strongly if not strangely religious Ramona. Tami struggles with moving away from her family, caring for an elderly woman and facing the love of two charming men, but through it all she keeps her head on straight and in the end leaves you waiting excitedly for the next book to appear on the shelves of the corner bookstore!

I would recommend this book, but not for those who are 'squeamish' over religion or find religion somewhat of a difficult subject. This book is truly a Christian story written for those who believe. When I first began the book I was a bit unsure, but after reading a chapter or two I was entirely wrapped up in the lives of the characters. Can't wait to read the next in the series, and I will also go back and read the first book!

1 comment:

L said...

This book sounds really good. I've never heard of it before, but I think I have to get a copy now. I've also given you an award on my blog. http://hookedonyabooks.blogspot.com/2010/01/awards-yay.html